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Contact Information

Mailing Address

Office of the Registrar
California Polytechnic State University
One Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0033

Office Location

The Office of the Registrar is located in the Mustang Business Park. As the office is not located on Cal Poly's campus, please contact Registrar personnel via email, phone, and virtual front desk resources.


Email, Phone, and Virtual Front Desk Availability

Records Unit

Phone hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Records Virtual Front Desk:
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Speak with a Records Associate via Zoom.

Evaluations Unit

Phone hours:
Monday through Friday
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Email Contact Details

Most of our service to students is provided via email. Current students: You can help us serve you by emailing from your Cal Poly email account; providing your name, your Cal Poly EMPL ID (viewable on your Portal), and your major; and being as specific with your question as possible.

For questions about registration issues, Leaves of Absence, withdrawals (both course and term), and Verification Letters

For questions about a Change of Degree Completion Date, ASSIST and transfer credit, Credit/No Credit policies, the Degree Progress Report, and curricular substitutions

All questions concerning veterans should go to the Center for Military-Connected website or email including questions about Veteran's Benefits and Registration Status for Vets

For questions about ordering transcripts, please see the transcript page. For other transcript questions, such as difficulty ordering transcripts through Parchment

For questions about Degree Planner and technical issues with Degree Planner

For registration issues in Schedule Builder

For technical assistance with Schedule Builder


The Office of the Registrar is comprised of four areas:

  • Records supports registration, verification of enrollment and degrees, official Cal Poly transcripts, and grades.
  • Evaluations, Articulation and Transfer Credit assesses and validates academic degree progress, application of transfer credit, development of course articulation agreements, major requirements, change of major, and the conferral of degrees. It also serves as the resource for all campus constituents on all degree-related matters, including the functional aspects of the Degree Progress Report. It also certifies NCAA athletes for eligibility.
  • Class Scheduling oversees the scheduling of academic classes, first year block scheduling, Schedule Builder, and the campus master calendar.
  • Curriculum, Catalog and Systems Management oversees the production of the institutional catalog, procedural and mechanical aspects of the curriculum process, the technical aspects of the Degree Progress Report, Degree Planner, and Dashboards.

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