Academic Progress Gauge
- The gauge is updated once a quarter by the end of the 4th week
- It reflects how much a student has completed in their degree
- Registration appointments are based on actual academic progress number (the higher the number, the earlier the registration date and time)
- It reflects the Expected Academic Progress Policy
How to Access the Academic Progress Gauge
Step 1: From the portal, click on academics tab, then on Poly Profile
Step 2: Scroll down to Academic Progress heading
Understanding the Academic Progress Gauge
Expected Academic Progress is defined as making appropriate degree progress each academic year by earning a certain percentage of degree applicable units that meet major, support, general education, concentration, and free elective (if applicable) requirements that are directly associated with the student’s declared major. Expected Academic Progress (EAP) is monitored for all students each quarter.
The actual academic progress level reflects actual progress made toward your declared degree.
Every full-time undergraduate student is required to make reasonable academic progress toward completion of the bachelor’s degree. EAP is monitored for all Cal Poly students in order to help them graduate in a timely manner. Students who fall behind in their EAP will be designated as having an EAP deficiency and may be required to meet with their academic advisor. Although this designation will not be noted on their transcript, students will be expected to make up this deficiency.
On Track

Off Track

How to get the BEST Registration Appointment
SUBMIT: Transcripts, course substitutions, approved electives, tech electives, or concentration paperwork by the due date (last day of instruction). See Evaluations Form and Transcript Processing Timeline
Classes that are degree applicable are reflected in the gauge:
- Major, support, general education, and concentration (if declared) and free electives (if applicable)
- Classes that are in progress for the current term
- Class that currently is “I” or “RP” on a degree applicable course
- Minor classes (if a student has free electives that have not been used or if the minor class counts as a major/support/general ed course in major)
Classes that do not count in gauge:
- Minor classes that are not degree applicable
- If a class was an I or RP and changed to a F or NC
- Concentration class if you have not declared your concentration
PLEASE NOTE: Your overall unit count is not the same as your actual academic progress. It is possible that some of the units you have completed are NOT degree applicable, thus they will NOT count toward your academic progress or your academic progress gauge.
Courses may be used temporarily as Free Electives if your major requires Free Electives.
Course substitution paperwork, approved electives, tech electives, or concentration paperwork must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of instruction of the term in order for those units to affect your actual academic progress percentage for next term’s registration.
EXAMPLE: Paperwork must be received by the last day of fall instruction in order to impact the new gauge that will display by the end of week 4 in winter quarter.
Expectations for First Time Freshman
Students entering Cal Poly as first time freshmen are expected to meet the follow percentages by the end of each respective year:
First year: Completion of at least 20% of the total number of units required for the degree.
Second year: Completion of at least of 45% of the total number of units required for the degree.
Third year: Completion of at least 75% of the total number of units required for the degree.
Fourth year: Completion of at least 100% of the total number units required for the degree.
Expectations for Transfer Students
First year: Completion of at least 55% of the total number of units required for the degree.
Second year: Completion of at least 80% of the total number units required for the degree.
Third year: Completion of 100% of the total number of units required for the degree.
Academic Progress Gauge Questions
I have AP credit/transfer units in my course credits not used - Does that count towards my gauge?
If your degree requires Free Electives, then the actual academic progress level percentage will include these excess units up to the number of Free Electives required for your degree. If your degree does not require Free Electives, or if you have met your Free Elective requirement, then those units will not count.
I am currently in an ICMA (Individualized Change of Major Agreement). Does my gauge go off my ICMA (intended major) or current major?
The actual academic progress level percentage reflects progress toward your current major, not your intended major. If you successfully complete your ICMA, then the next time the gauge is updated, it will reflect your new major.
How do I know what my actual academic progress level is, and how will my appointment be assigned?
You can find your actual academic progress level on PolyProfile, under the Academic Progress heading. The example below is for a student who has an Expected Academic Progress (EAP) Level of 83.3%. However, this student has an Actual Academic Progress Level percentage of 93.9%. This student would be assigned an appointment based on being 93.9% complete.
I do not see an Academic Progress Gauge on my PolyProfile. How will I be assigned a registration appointment time?
If you do not have an Academic Progress Gauge, you will be assigned an appointment time based on your Student Level (Senior, Junior, Sophomore, or Freshman). Your student level can be found on your PolyProfile, under the “Enrollment History (Unofficial)” heading, next to the current term.
Will my in-progress classes count toward my actual academic progress level percentage?
Yes. The expectation is successful completion of your current term.
Will courses I took only for my Minor count toward my actual academic progress level percentage?
Work taken toward a minor does not count toward actual academic progress percentage, unless you have free electives yet to complete. In that case, minor courses count toward free electives.
Will declaring a Minor negatively affect my actual academic progress level if my major has no free electives (or very few free electives)?
Declaring a minor and having it added to your DPR will NOT have a negative effect on your academic progress level. As such, it will NOT negatively impact your registration. You should complete and file your minor paperwork with the Office of the Registrar so you can track your minor progress on your Degree Progress Report.
I have a grade of “I” or “RP” on a degree applicable course. Will that count in my actual academic progress level percentage?
Yes, the expectation is that you successfully took the class and are awaiting a passing grade. That class, as long as it is degree applicable, will count toward your actual academic progress level percentage. If the grade goes to an F or NC, that will reduce your actual academic progress level percentage the next time it is updated.
I have taken Concentration courses, but I haven’t officially declared a Concentration yet. Will those courses count since they are degree applicable?
Concentration courses will not count toward your Concentration until you officially declare your Concentration with the Office of the Registrar. However, those courses may be used to temporarily meet Free Electives if your major requires Free Electives. See your advisor if you need help declaring your Concentration.
Is there a deadline to declare my Concentration so it counts toward my actual academic progress level percentage?
When you are reasonably sure of your Concentration choice, you should declare your Concentration as early as you can so that when you take Concentration courses, they can be included in your actual academic progress level percentage. Your request to declare your Concentration must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of instruction for the previous term, in order to affect your actual academic progress level percentage.
I have Approved Electives, Course Substitutions, and/or ICS (Individualized Course of Study) courses that require signed forms to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. When is the latest date I can turn those in so the changes count toward my actual academic progress level percentage?
You are strongly encouraged to turn in all forms as soon as possible. The completed form(s) must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of instruction for the previous term. Plan ahead, as it can take several weeks to acquire the necessary signatures before the form reaches the Office of the Registrar.