Curriculum Handbook
NOTE: For information related to the quarter-to-semester conversion, please view the Semester Conversion website.
The Curriculum Handbook is designed to aid faculty in the development of courses and programs as well as in the use of the Curriculum Management system, a web-based curriculum authoring, editing, and approval tool.
Before submitting a course or program proposal for the catalog, read through the handbook for information on the elements that need to be considered and addressed in a proposal. Also, refer to the below checklists, which are provided to curriculum committees to assist with reviewing proposals:
Catalog Proposals
New Degree Program: Contact the Academic Programs and Planning Office.
Discontinue Degree Program: Contact the Academic Programs and Planning Office.
Selected Topics Course: Refer to the Selected Topic Proposals section of the Curriculum Handbook for the proposal form and quarterly due dates.
All other course and program proposals are submitted via the Curriculum Management System found on the Academics tab of the Cal Poly portal for faculty. For proposal due dates, refer to catalog review cycle and out-of-cycle timelines in the Curriculum Handbook.
Additional Resources
In addition to the Curriculum Handbook, the following resources are available and have been provided to college curriculum committees in a joint presentation by the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee Chair, the General Education Governance Board Chair, and the Office of the Registrar:
Contact Us
- Gregory Bohr, Academic Senate Curriculum Committee Chair
- Daniel Parsons, Associate Registrar for Catalog, Curriculum, and Systems Management
- Elaine Thurmond, Curriculum Systems Analyst
- Bree Chaffin, Catalog & Curriculum Systems Analyst
You may email questions to