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Catalog Proposal Timelines

2022-2026 Catalog - Out of Cycle

**The window for submitting Quarter Course edits, New Course proposals, and Program proposal edits is closed until after semester conversion is complete.**

New course proposals can occur during any quarter, please see table below for deadlines based on effective term. In addition edits to courses can occur once a catalog is published. However, there are limits on what edits can be proposed.

The only edits that may be proposed to a course during the Out of Cycle period are:

  • adding a crosslisting,
  • making the prerequisite less restrictive in order to support student enrollment,
  • making a change to the modality (i.e., method(s) of delivery) of the course,
  • Recertification of Upper Division GE Areas C & D, or USCP (Course description, title, units, and mode CANNOT change as part of the recertification proposal)
Course - Propose New CLOSED CLOSED
Course - Recertification GE Areas C & D or USCP (Upper-Division)(Course description, title, units, and mode CANNOT change as part of the recertification proposal) CLOSED CLOSED
Course - Edit (relaxing prerequisites or modality changes only) CLOSED CLOSED

New Program/Sub-program Proposal - contact Academic Programs and Planning Office. Start date of new programs is determined upon final approval from the Chancellor's Office.

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