Status of Proposals
Proposals Outside of the Catalog Review Cycle
Status of Proposals, Academic Year 2023-24 Review
(Academic Senate Consent Agenda)
2022-26 Catalog Program Summary
View the status of all proposals to add, discontinue, or change the name of a program (degree, concentration, specialization, minor, or graduate certificate) in the 2022-26 catalog.
Semester Catalog Proposals
College Summaries
Below are summaries of the semester catalog proposals by college. The summaries include proposals to add or discontinue programs, as well as proposals to add or remove courses offered by another department from a program’s curriculum. Additionally, the summaries include proposals to add, edit, or deactivate courses. These proposals were submitted by 9/8/2023.
Note: Summaries will be updated on a weekly or biweekly basis (as needed) during the 2024-25 academic year.
Drafts coming soon.
- College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
- College of Architecture and Environmental Design
- Orfalea College of Business
- College of Engineering
- College of Liberal Arts
- Bailey College of Science and Mathematics
- Extended Education
- Honors Program
- Academic Programs and Planning (UNIV, ATHL)
For questions about the status of proposals, contact