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Evaluations Form and Transcript Processing Timeline

Forms Include: Course Substitutions, Concentration Declarations, Advisor Approved Electives, Technical Electives, Individualized Course of Study, and Change of Catalog.

Transcripts (received from other colleges) - Excludes Study Abroad transcripts

Study Abroad coursework will take more time to evaluate but if you are going through a Cal Poly affiliated program then you will have placeholder units to make sure your registration appointment is including those courses taken abroad.


Evaluations processing timeline
Forms and transcripts submitted by will be processed by the end of Will affect registration appointment for

Fall Deadline: Last Day of Classes for Fall (NOT finals)

January Spring and Summer Registration

Winter Deadline: Last Day of Classes for Winter (NOT finals)

April Fall Registration

Spring and Summer Deadline: Last Day of Classes for Summer (NOT finals)

October Winter Registration

Expected Academic Progress Gauge runs its calculations 3 times a year (April for Fall Reg / October for Winter Reg / January for Spring Reg)

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